Because good coffee matters - Free shipping from 75€
Because good coffee matters - Free shipping from 75€
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Black Friday: A Critical Reflection on Price and Value

Black Friday: A Critical Reflection on Price and Value

Black Friday, questioning the sustainability and ethics behind the steep discounts and frenzied shopping. We challenge consumers and businesses alike to consider the true value and impact of their choices, advocating for mindful consumption over the allure of sales. Join us in redefining what value means in a world often driven by price, not purpose.

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Why the Timemore C2/C3 is the ideal entry-level grinder

Why the Timemore C2/C3 is the ideal entry-level grinder

The Timemore C2/C3: An excellent entry-level grinder for coffee enthusiasts When coffee enthusiasts embark on their journey into the world of specialty coffee, choosing the right grinder is crucial. The Timemore stands out as an ideal choice for those starting their coffee brewing adventures. In this section, we'll explore why the Timemore is a fantastic entry-level grinder. Quality and affordability: The Timemore delivers impressive grind consistency and allows users to experience the full potential of their coffee beans. Their durable stainless steel grinding discs ensure a consistent grind size, making them suitable for different brewing methods. Despite its high performance,...

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Busting 7 Myths About Decaffeinated Coffee- -EN

Busting 7 Myths About Decaffeinated Coffee- -EN

Coffee is a favorite beverage for many people worldwide. Yet when it comes to decaf, there are several myths and misconceptions that seem to persist. This article aims to debunk these myths and provide clarity on the topic of decaffeinated coffee. 1. Myth: Decaffeinated Coffee is Completely Caffeine-Free The most common myth surrounding decaf coffee is that it's entirely devoid of caffeine. This isn't the case. Decaffeination processes are designed to remove a significant amount of caffeine — about 97-99%. Yet, a trace amount of caffeine remains. If you're sensitive to caffeine or trying to cut it out completely, remember...

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Caffeine Heights: The Highs and Lows of Coffee Cultivation -EN

Caffeine Heights: The Highs and Lows of Coffee Cultivation -EN

This blog post invites readers on a flavorful journey through the altitudes of coffee cultivation. We embark from the robust earthiness of the lush tropics, climbing through the intricate arabica flavors at mid-altitudes, to finally savor the symphony of the 'strictly hard bean' at high elevations. By understanding the intricate dance of altitude and cultivation, every coffee lover can deepen their appreciation for each sip, relishing the unique flavors that stem from the coffee's high-altitude origin.

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Kreiere den perfekten Cold Brew mit Cortez #5 oder Uwe - DE

Kreiere den perfekten Cold Brew mit Cortez #5 oder Uwe - DE

Im Hochsommer gibt es kaum etwas Erfrischenderes als Cold Brew Kaffee. Glatt, gekühlt und köstlich, ist es ein Getränk, das in Geduld und reichen, vollmundigen Aromen getränkt ist. Dieses Rezept ist speziell für diejenigen gedacht, die einen fruchtigen Kaffee mit einem abgerundeten Nachgeschmack schätzen, wie unseren Single-Origin Kaffee Cortez #5 mit seinem tropischen Fruchtanfang und Milchschokoladenfinish, oder unseren Single-Origin Kaffee Uwe mit seinem fruchtigen Ananasstart und Vanillenachgeschmack. Für die Cold Brew Methode verwenden wir ein Verhältnis von 1:10 Kaffee zu Wasser. Das sind 90 Gramm Kaffee zu 900 Gramm Wasser, egal ob du eine French Press oder den Dripdrip Brewjar...

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